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Olea europaea 'Tolleys Upright' Boxhead/Uplifted

  • Coastal
  • Full Sun
  • Feature Plant
  • Low Water
  • Frost Tolerant

Product Code: OLEUP Uplifted

This is a fantastic Olive tree for people wanting an ornamental Olive.
'Tolleys Upright' has a great compact and symmetrical structure and is fairly slow growing compared to other varieties which makes it excellent for topiary espalier, standards and containers.

'Tolleys Upright' is a very low fruit bearing tree which minimizes the mess and makes a great specimen. They're extremely hardy, attractive evergreen tree with silvery foliage.

They require full sun and will tolerate a wide range of soils. They prefer well drained, deep fertile soil. They will not tolerate water logged soil.
Olives can take coastal exposure and light frosts and will tolerate drought conditions.

Uplifted height of trunk - 1m plus.

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Plants purchased from TGA Australia are guaranteed to be true to type and in healthy condition at the time of pick up/delivery.

As we have no control over matters such as planting, soil preparation, watering etc., no guarantee can be offered in respect to a trees growth or development.

TGA Australia accepts no liability for damage caused to any fences, building, plants, pipes, conduits or cables, or structures by any plants supplied by TGA Australia.

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